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The District acknowledges school closures are challenging and difficult conversations to have. We are committed to remaining open and transparent along every step of the process. Once information becomes available, we will directly share it with the impacted school communities and the District's stakeholder groups. 

The following updates were shared with the community: 

January 14 – Letter to impacted school communities about the publication of staff report 

January 20 – Letter to impacted schools summarizing outcomes of the special board meeting and facilities planning committee 

February 2 – Letter to impacted school communities about the Board’s decision to move forward to public engagement 

April 5 - Letter to all families in the District about the engagement opportunities for the broader public. 

  • Note: a version of this letter was customized, printed and distributed to each student at QEA, JQ and QE. 

April 11 - Reminder to all families that the survey is now live 

April 19 - Presentation slides used for the community dialogue sessions 

April 25 - Letter to families about the last week to provide feedback on the proposed QEA closure

May 2 - A version of this staff presentation was provide to all participants who attended the community dialogue session

June 6 - Letter to impacted school communities about the Board's decision to close QEA 

June 6 - News Release about Vancouver School Board decides to close Queen Elizabeth Annex

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