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Legalization & Regulation


The consumption of tobacco and vapour products is governed under the Tobacco and Vapour Products Control Act. On September 1st, 2016, this legislation took effect to restrict the sale, distribution, promotion, or advertising of tobacco and vapour products to minors (under 19). The legislation states that “a person must not use an e-cigarette, or hold an activated e-cigarette, in or on school property. It also limits the amount of tobacco or vapour products that can be purchased, less than 20 products at a time.

Tobacco and vapour products are banned from public, indoor work environments and school grounds.

Law enforcement officers’ have the right to seize and obtain any tobacco and vapour products if they are illegally obtained or distributed. As well, failure to follow vapour free legislations could result in a fine for the owner or user of smoking or vaping. 


In BC, vapour products are under the same regulation as tobacco products, where they both follow The BC Tobacco and Vaping Products Act, active from May 23, 2018. It prohibits the consumption and distribution of tobacco or vaping products on school property or surrounded areas 24 hours, 7 days a week, regardless if schools are in session or not. All public and private K-Gr 12 schools in BC are tobacco and vape free. 

There is also an increased buffer zone for tobacco and vapour products use around all doorways, air intakes, or open windows in any BC public or work environments, from three metres to now six meters around. The Vancouver School District’s code of conduct is aligned with this regulation and is effective in all of the District’s school locations and communities. 

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