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Public Engagement Process

<="" span="">The District is seeking input on proposed boundary adjustments to Carleton, Cunningham, Weir and McCorkindale catchments. 

To ensure a meaningful engagement process, the <="" span="">District held focus groups with impacted school community representatives to address initial enrolment questions and help inform the engagement approach.    

Based on these discussions the District will host two public information sessions and distribute a survey 

Three ways to engage:

1. Public information sessions  

To learn more about the proposed boundary changes, and to directly ask staff questions, please attend one of the information sessions below:    

View the boards that will be presented at the public information session. 

2. Survey 

Participate in a 5-minute ONLINE survey. Carleton catchment families will be invited to answer specific enrolment questions.  The survey will be open from December 6 - 16. 

3. Email

Additional comments or questions? E-mail Your anonymized feedback will be included in the final engagement report to the Board.  


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