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Grade 4-12 Students

Grade 4 to 12 Acceptable (Responsible) Use of Technology 


  1. I will keep my username and password to myself.
  2. I will be respectful of myself and others when using technology.
  3. I will not view, download, or upload anything that is illegal, inappropriate, or that may cause harm or distress to others.
  4. I will not take photographs or video of other students without their permission, nor will I post pictures of others without their permission.
  5. I will not record online classroom sessions (photos and videos) without consent of my teacher.
  6. I will ensure that I will be in a private setting when engaging in online sessions.
  7. I understand that technology systems and devices are primarily intended for educational purposes.
  8. I will respect others’ work and property and will not access, copy, remove or otherwise alter any other person's files or information without their knowledge and permission.
  9. I understand that if I use my personal devices at school, I will follow the rules set out by this Acceptable (Responsible) Use of Technology policy and my teacher’s instructions.
  10. I will immediately report any damage of devices or software, cyberbullying, inappropriate content, and other concerns to my teacher.
  11. I understand that I am responsible for my actions when using technology both inside and outside of school.
  12. I understand that the school will take appropriate action if I don’t follow the rules.
  13. I understand and will follow the school’s code of conduct rules.
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