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Harm Reduction

Substance use health promotion efforts include promoting literacy in ways to reduce harm. Following are a few resources on harm minimization.

Foundry - Non-Medical Use of Cannabis: information on Reducing Risks, How to Manage my Use and Where to get Support.  

Blunt Truth - By youth for youth version of Canada's Lower Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines.

Ten Ways to Reduce Risk - A  brief brochure on less risky ways to use cannabis, based on Canada's Lower Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines.

Harm reduction points to consider from the Foundry website

Take Care with Cannabis A VCH and CARBC, two-page pamphlet, presenting brief tips on safer cannabis use.

Canada's Lower Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines Colourful two-page resource on professional-endorsed, evidence-based set of recommendations for reducing risk, 2017.

You and Substance Use: stuff to think about and ways to make changes  A CARBC, detailed booklet of many practical considerations regarding substance use, including ways to reduce harms.

Safer Cannabis Use - A Here to Help  brochure on a range of points related to using cannabis in a less risky manner.

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